1 Norton Protection 2 Norton UnErase 3 ue32.exe 4 SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} 5 SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\DefaultIcon 6 SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell 7 The entry is already listed. 8 Exclusions can only be specified for local hard drives. 9 The drive specified does not represent a valid local drive. \nDo you want to add it to the list anyway? 10 The folder specified does not exist on drive %c. \nDo you want to add it to the list anyway? 11 Empty Norton Protected &Files 12 Empties Norton Protected Files 13 Unable to update the registry file. 14 Error adding exclusion to the list. 15 Not enough memory to add exclusion to the list. 16 PurgeInfo 17 Empty 18 Full 19 Unable to purge protected file(s) on drive %c 20 EmptyRecycleBin 21 Are you sure you want to delete '%s' on drive %s? 22 There are %s files being protected on drive %s.\nAre you sure you want to delete them? 23 There are %s files being protected on the following drives: %s.\nAre you sure you want to delete them? 24 bytes 25 KB 26 MB 27 GB 28 day 29 days 30 Unable to update the Recycle Bin desktop icon.\n\nThis generally occurs when the Recycle Bin desktop icon\nis replaced by an old/unrecognized icon. The Recycle Bin\n 31 desktop icon can be changed from the "Desktop Themes"\ncontrol panel or the "Display/Properties/Plus!" page.\n\n 32 Try changing the Recycle Bin desktop icon then re-check\nthe "Show Norton Protection status" option found on the\n"Desktop Item" page.